Cave Cooperative du Mont Tauch, Les Vignerons du Mont Tauch, Fitou, Languedoc, France, stock photography samples, by Per Karlsson, BKWine — This is only a selection of samples. Use Image SEARCH to find more photos — Cave Cooperative du Mont Tauch or Les Vignerons Du Mont Tauch is a co-operative wine producer in the village Tuchan in the Fitou district in the Languedoc region in the south of France. It is by far the biggest wine producer in Fitou. Fitou is a region with a lot of wilderness, dry and hot in the summer, cold in winter. There are forest, full of wild boars, the Languedoc garrigues bush vegetation with wild herbs and spice and of course a lot of vineyards.
Les Vignerons du Mont Tauch was founded in 1913 and is one of the oldest cooperatives in the Languedoc. Today they are responsible for 60% of the wine production in the Fitou appellation. In spite of being a very large, gigantic, wine producer they have successfully focused on producing high quality wines, along some impressive volumes too. They have vineyard consultants that work closely with the individual wine growers in the vineyards to improve and control the quality of the grape material.
The winery at Mont Tauch is huge and very impressive. They have in recent years invested 22 million euros in it. There are gigantic vat halls with stainless steel tanks as well as with concrete vats. But that is not enough – a large production facility is also outside, under the sun, with steel tanks, wine presses and even an unusual flash pasteurization machine. Mont Tauch makes a large number of different wines so enumerating them is pointless. In total they produce some 10 million bottles and have 300 co-operative members.
All images © copyright Per Karlsson, BKWine. Images may not be used without our permission.
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