Tibor Gal GIA winery, Eger, Hungary, stock photography samples, by Per Karlsson, BKWine — This is only a selection of samples. Use Image SEARCH to find more photos — Tibor Gal was a pioneer in the Eger district in Hungary. Eger is a provincial town in Hungary about an hours drive east of Prague. These photographs from the winery and wine cellar dates from some year back, before the renewal of the entire operation started. Tibor Gal started making wine in 1983 and was very successful in different wineries in Italy. He also set up his own winery in Eger in 1993. He returned to Hungary in 1997 and set up a winery in collaboration with Niccolo Incisa della Roccetta that was named the GIA Tibor Gal. The winery was located on a small street in Eger.
After Tibor Gal’s untimely death in an accident in 2005 the operation has been continued by the Gal family and is now run by tabor Gal jr.
The winery now makes several different wines: Egri bikaver Superios (from kekfrankos, syrah, cabernet sauvignon, kadarka and pinot noir), Pinot Noir, Sikeghy Pinot Noir, Bartok (from viognier, pinot gris, and pinot blanc), a white Egri Csillag and a second Egri Bikaver.
All images © copyright Per Karlsson, BKWine. Images may not be used without our permission.
Hungary Eger Tibor Gal GIA winery stock photo samples – Images by Per Karlsson