Millesime Bio Organic Wine Fair, Montpellier, France, stock photography samples, by Per Karlsson, BKWine — This is only a selection of samples. Use Image SEARCH to find more photos — Millésime Bio is a wine fair that is entirely dedicated to organic wines. All exhibitors must be certified organic (or in conversion). In addition, all producers are allocated exactly the same space: everyone has a table to present their wines, so in a sense it is an uncommonly “democratic” wine show without any big and impressive stands.
Obviously, not all organic wine is quality, or even good wine, but you do find quite a lot of interesting producers at Millesime Bio. I’d say that the ration of interesting to uninteresting is probably higher here than at most other fairs, disregarding if you are specifically interested in “bio” (the French for organic) or not. It is as much an occasion to discover new things as it is to say hello to old acquaintances.
Many of the wine producers are also very interesting and you will find many exciting wines here. Most of the exhibitors come from France, of course, but there are quite a few from other countries too. Definitely worth a visit!
All images © copyright Per Karlsson, BKWine. Images may not be used without our permission.
Languedoc Millesime Bio Wine Fair – stock photo samples – Images by Per Karlsson