Kiralyudvar Winery, Tokaji, Hungary, stock photography samples, by Per Karlsson, BKWine — This is only a selection of samples. Use Image SEARCH to find more photos — Királyudvar is one of the best wine producers in Tokaji (or Tokaj, or Tokay). It is owned by Anthony Hwang, a Filipino-Amercian (who is also the majority owner of Domaine Huet in the Loire Valley). The name Kiralyudvar means “the King’s court” in Hungarian and the winery once was supplier to the royal family in Hungary.
Originally, when the winery was revitalised in the 90s it was run by one of the leading lights in the Tokaji renaissance, Istvan Szepsy (which is the reason he appears here on photos), but he has since parted company with Kiralyudvar and started his own winery. Since then the guiding hand in the wine production at Kiralyudvar has been Noel Pinguet of Domaine Huet. But Pinguet has recently retired from Huet and if that has any impact on his involvement at Kiralyudvar we don’t know.
The vineyards at Kiralyudvar now includes some 75 hectares having been substantially expanded since the beginning. The grapes are principally furmint and hárslevelű. The main production is of course sweet wines, aszu of various puttonyos degrees, but they also make dry (sec) and semi-dry (demi-sec) variants. They also make the exceptional esszencia.
The winery in the village of Tarcal has impressive underground cellars with long tunnels filled with barrels, just like many other wineries in Today.
All images © copyright Per Karlsson, BKWine. Images may not be used without our permission.
Hungary Tokaji Kiralyudvar winery stock photo samples – Images by Per Karlsson