Does Photoshelter “support” WordPress?
Had a question today on if you can use Photoshelter (as I do) and “skin” it with a WordPress theme. Here’s my answer: If Photoshelter “support” WordPress themes? Well, no and yes. 1 — Photoshelter, native Photoshelter (PS) “native”, with nothing added to it does not support WordPress themes. However, there are alternatives: A) there […]
What to put in your website footer

Help your visitors to find their way around your site by putting useful information in the footer of your website! When we redesigned our websites it was the occasion to give some thought to what we put in the footer. Here are some things that can be useful: Copyright notice (don’t forget to update the […]
David Sanger changes style
Not as dramatic as it sounds. the well known photographer David Sanger has simply changed his web/blog design from white text on black background to black text on white background. It simply makes it much more easy to read. Many photographers like to use a black background. I think this is in the belief (probably […]