Should you use Photoshelter if you are a photographer?
There is a discussion going on on a forum that I participate in on if it is a good idea for a photographer to use Photoshelter. Why should a photographer consider such a thing as Photoshelter? Today it is more and more difficult for a photographer to work with “traditional” photo agencies. And they are […]
Interview with National Geographic’s Photo Editor
Listening to your customer: how National Geographic buys photography with Elizabeth Krist and Allen Murabayashi Listening to your customers is important. For stock photography it is not always obvious since you are not necessarily in direct contact with your end customer. Especially if you work with stock agencies who are usually not very keen on […]
Saturday morning surprise: Featured on Photoshelter’s Buyers’ Page

Waking up to a rainy Saturday morning an email catches my eye: Andrew Fingerman, Photoshelter‘s VP of marketing, has sent me an email. Curious. [Photoshelter, if you don’t know it, is a magnificent service for photographers. It is an online service that a photographer can use to display, promote and sell his images, as well […]
It is very nice when somebody notices what you do! (Or: the value of doing PR)
I was very surprised to see my own photo in a blog post on the Photoshelter blog! I saw it in my RSS reader and thought “isn’t that my picture? How can that be?” To my even bigger surprise it turned out that they had chosen to feature my photos and videos in their “Friday […]
Photoshelter customisation – what would be good
To Andrew Fingerman, Photoshelter Hi, Thanks for the two customization examples you sent me through Twitter. (, They definitely look much more interesting. What they manage to do, which most of the other customizations that you feature on the site don’t do, is integrate the Photoshelter “core” into a site that also contains other […]
How not to do marketing – Or, Victor by Hasselblad
Just received a flyer promoting a new magazine called Victor by Hasselblad, that will be published by Hasselblad for professional photographers. It contained so many what-not-to-do:s-in-a-marketing-campaign that it was quite amusing. The leaflet promised a free copy of the first issue of Vicotr to the first 500 people who registered on their site. Here are […]
Book Review: Photographs That Sell and Sell…
Photographs That Sell and Sell… Roger Antrobus Collins & Brown [Have not yet read it but it has been highly recommended. It is on my “Wanted” list.] This is what Amazon says about it: “Have you ever wondered if it is possible to make money from taking photographs ‘on spec.’? Many amateur photographers are capable […]
Book Review: Photos That Sell: The Art of Successful Freelance Photography
Photos That Sell: The Art of Successful Freelance Photography Lee Frost David & Charles This is a book that gives you glimpses and pointers. Lots of interesting stuff and ideas on how to develop your photography business but perhaps not too much depth. Frost shows with some real examples from his own photography what pictures […]
Book Review: Le Photographe – Guide Pratique et Juridique pour le Professionnel et l’Amateur
Le Photographe – Guide Pratique et Juridique pour le Professionnel et l’Amateur Alain Cabrit Edition du Puit Fleuri Legal issues are a problem for photographers in France. Taking pictures (or to be correct, using pictures taken), even in public places, are governed by laws that are not very kind to the photographer. You can get […]
Book Review: (2005/2006/2007/…) Photographer’s Market
(2005/2006/2007/…) Photographer’s Market Donna Poehner Writer’s Digest Books This, to put it short, is the same thing as The Freelance Photographer’s Market handbook but for the USA. Buy it for the addresses to publishers and editors…
Book Review: The Freelance Photographer’s Market handbook
The Freelance Photographer’s Market handbook (2005/2006/2007/…) Bureau of Freelance Photographers BFP Press This is essentially a directory of potential photo buyers. It lists by subject area magazine publishers and book publishers. Horribly boring to read but useful if you want to find an address to contact to sell pictures to. It talks a bit about […]
Book Review – Sell & Re-Sell Your Photos
Sell & Re-Sell Your Photos Rohn Engh Writer’s Digest Books This book is about how to launch yourself, and survive, as an independent stock photographer business. All of that: “launch”, “independent”, “stock”, “business”… It is not much about photography as such but more about the business of doing stock photography. It takes you through how […]
Photography and money!?
Well, you have to live from something, don’t you? So, do tak a look at our stock photo portfolio (look right). But that was not at all what this post was going to be about. Instead, I wanted to mention some excellent prices that photographs had fetched at auction recently. Example 1: Ansel Adams, “Moonrise, […]