The death of Amazon as a photo backup solution

Amazon Drive has been an excellent solution for off-site on-line photo backup and storage. It’s part of the Amazon Prime package that also includes free deliver, movie streaming, music etc. At 50-60€ per year for unlimited photo storage it has been a very good deal, a very affordable online storage for your pictures. That is […]
Getting a cookie banner and making the site GDPR compliant

This article describes my effort to implement GDPR and appropriate privacy, including the famous “cookie banner”, on our web sites. (Not yet implemented on our sites though.) Since a few years back privacy regulations in the EU (and some other regions) have become much stricter. They set up strict rules on how a web site […]
Converting an existing Elementor site to using Theme Styles, hard work but good for performance?

Elementor recently introduced a “global theme” function. This means you can set global defaults for e.g. fonts, sizes, images, colours and other things. This is really great news and is something that was sorely missing in Elementor. The first version of this is nice, but unambitious; many things that you’d like to set globally are […]
Improving the speed and load time of a WordPress site with performance plugins

Web site performance, the speed at which your site shows the pages to the visitor, is extremely important today. It is one of the ranking factors of search engines and it is a key factor in keeping or losing your visitors. So how do you improve the response speed of a WordPress site? Without coding, […]
Using Amazon Prime (Premium) “unlimited” for photo backup and archiving

Earlier this year Amazon announced “unlimited storage of images” for subscribers to their Amazon Prime service. (Prime is called “Premium” in some countries.) Amazon Prime is a subscription service that currently costs 49 euros 50 euros per month in France. The price is similar in other countries, e.g. USD 50 in the USA. Prime gives […]
Unlimited photo storage online from Photoshelter (and Amazon)

Organised backup is one of the fundamental, basic, sine qua non, must-have, obligatory things you must have sorted out as a photographer. Was that clear enough? Should I say it again: you must back up, and back up well and efficiently. Once there was back-ups on CDs, then DVD and ultimately BlueRays. Disk storage became […]
Does Photoshelter “support” WordPress?
Had a question today on if you can use Photoshelter (as I do) and “skin” it with a WordPress theme. Here’s my answer: If Photoshelter “support” WordPress themes? Well, no and yes. 1 — Photoshelter, native Photoshelter (PS) “native”, with nothing added to it does not support WordPress themes. However, there are alternatives: A) there […]
Should you use Photoshelter if you are a photographer?
There is a discussion going on on a forum that I participate in on if it is a good idea for a photographer to use Photoshelter. Why should a photographer consider such a thing as Photoshelter? Today it is more and more difficult for a photographer to work with “traditional” photo agencies. And they are […]
Saturday morning surprise: Featured on Photoshelter’s Buyers’ Page

Waking up to a rainy Saturday morning an email catches my eye: Andrew Fingerman, Photoshelter‘s VP of marketing, has sent me an email. Curious. [Photoshelter, if you don’t know it, is a magnificent service for photographers. It is an online service that a photographer can use to display, promote and sell his images, as well […]
Tracking your visitors – web statistics
As a consequence of one of the previous posts on the redesign of this blog I had a question on statistics from someone who reads this blog (at least occasionally). I take the liberty to repeat the question and my comments here. I thought it could be interesting for more people: Spurred on by your […]
Blog and Facebook problem
Anyone who might have a clue what the problem is? Since I changed template on this blog, and modified some other things (installed new widgets) whenever I “post to Facebook” something from this blog Facebook does not recognise and post the photo. Previously, each time I posted something to Facebook, e.g. using the AddThis widget […]
A new blog design
If you’ve been here before you will notice that the blog has a new look! How do you like it? The first thing you see is perhaps that it is not black any more. I did not go “all the way” as David Sanger and make it white with black text. There are good arguments […]
Sheltering from Google Image Indexing?
There’s an interesting discussion going on on the Photoshelter forum on Google Image Search indexing of images. Some people are very upset that their images are not rapidly indexed. Some people have had some very great information to share on how to do things. It seems clear that there is work to do to make […]
New home:
Well, well, well, it took some time! I now have in place the dedicated URL for the photo site that I am experimenting with for some time: – for wine, vineyard, winery photography; food and gastronomy photos, as well as travel images! Please go and visit!
David Sanger changes style
Not as dramatic as it sounds. the well known photographer David Sanger has simply changed his web/blog design from white text on black background to black text on white background. It simply makes it much more easy to read. Many photographers like to use a black background. I think this is in the belief (probably […]
On the European Wine Bloggers conference today (#EWBC)
Well, maybe you guessed, in Lisbon for the European Wine Bloggers Conference (#EWBC) in Lisbon. And this is some background for today’s session on monetisation of blogging and wine writing on the internet.
European Wine Bloggers Conference
Perhaps one should call it the International Wine Bloggers Conference instead of the European Wine Bloggers Conference (those Americans call theirs just The Wine Bloggers Conference). Or maybe there will be an Asian and an African to come. Why not? Anyway. It is coming closer (end of October). Here is more info on the Wine […]
Stock Photo News
A bit off topic, or perhaps not. At least not the usual daily picture: If you are interested in stock photography industry news, here’s an interesting newsletter: Photo Archive News,
So much to do, so little time. Still, #15!!!
No picture in this post. (The one and only!) Just too busy with other things… But I was just happy to discover that, in spite of that, this blog is ranked #15 in the top 100 wine blogs! I’ll open the champagne when its #10, but still a nice way to finish the day! Here’s […]