Published in Sweden’s biggest wine magazine

This photo (together with a few others of mine) is published in the latest issue of Sweden’s biggest wine magazine, Bolaget, with over half a million copies in print. It’s available for free in all the Systembolaget monopoly wine shops. Estelle Roumage, winemaker, of the owning family. Chateau Lestrille, Bordeaux, France – And she makes […]

Dagens Industri on BKWine today

Since we may have some Swedish readers of this blog I must mention a very nice thing: Today Tuesday (I’m writing this at 17 minutes past midnight) there is a big article on BKWine – half a page – in the Swedish business newspaper Dagens Industri (let’s call it Sweden’s FT, they even have the […]

About The Image

It’s nice being noticed in the media. Especially when it is in a place like Read the full article the did on us here.