Featured and interviewed on the Daminion blog

Daminion is a DAM software that I discovered quite a while back following an article I wrote here on DAMs (digital asset management systems). It is one of few modern and actively maintained and updated tool to manage your photo library. The founder of Daminion, Murat Korkmazov contributed a number of comments on my article […]
Is there a future for DAM systems? Yes.

This blog seems to have turned into a discussion forum for DAM (digital asset management system) users. I don’t mind that, since this is an important subject for any professional photographer, and increasingly important also for non-professional “snappers”. One person who has contributed much to this discussion is the photographer Peter Russell, with whom I […]
“How I found my best Digital Asset Management (DAM) system” | Guest Post

Digital Asset Management software selection Mike Briggs is a London based photographer with a particular interest in travel photography, reportage and street photography. Mike needed to select a new DAM, digital asset management system, to manage his collection of 100,000+ images. He started looking at a very broad range of DAMs. Soon he narrowed the […]
What DAM system do you use? (poll)

I thought it would be interesting to see what DAM (Digital Asset Management) system people use, following all the discussion about it here. So here’s a poll. You can choose more than one DAM. If your DAM is not on the list, please leave a comment. See also other articles on the DAM search: Introduction: […]
Features and Functions that my Digital Asset Management System (DAM) should have

Here’s a detailed overview of functions and features that I would like to find in a Digital Asset Management System (DAM). This is a follow-up post to the previous one I did on DAMs that has attracted quite a lot of attention and comments. As I explained there, following the death, demise and discontinuation of […]
I am looking for a good DAM: Digital Asset Management software
What options are there to manage a library of photographs? DAM is short for Digital Asset Management. It usually refers to a software used to manage various digital files. In the photography world it usually refers to an application to manage the thousands or hundreds of thousands of image files that a photographer accumulates. You […]
Saturday morning surprise: Featured on Photoshelter’s Buyers’ Page

Waking up to a rainy Saturday morning an email catches my eye: Andrew Fingerman, Photoshelter‘s VP of marketing, has sent me an email. Curious. [Photoshelter, if you don’t know it, is a magnificent service for photographers. It is an online service that a photographer can use to display, promote and sell his images, as well […]
Size matters. How to increase the size (Or: a short overview of a digital photography workflow)

Now that’s a heading that verges on the silly, isn’t it? I had a question today on “how do you uprez your files”. Here’s a little info. A little more than asked for perhaps. Size is important when it comes to photography. The images have to be of sufficient size to be published. A frequent […]
Cataloguing, listing, describing – a DAM thing to do
This post is mostly for the photographers who happen to read this blog. Having a large number of photos makes it imperative to have some way of managing them. I have close to 100,000 raw images and currently about 30,000 “developed” (processed) photos. It’s more than what I can keep in my head. For quite […]
A very good photo book
But not really about picture taking. But all the more important: The DAM Book: Digital Asset Management for Photographers By Peter Krogh O’Reilly If you do digital photography (to any extent) this is a book you should read. And who does not work digitally today? The book deals with different aspects of digital asset management […]
Book Review: The DAM Book: Digital Asset Management for Photographers
The DAM Book: Digital Asset Management for Photographers By Peter Krogh O’Reilly [Have not yet read it but it has been highly recommended. It is on my “Wanted” list.] It was described to me like this: “One of the best workflow books I’ve read recently. I’m making some pretty major changes to my workflow because […]
Digital Asset Management software
If you’re really serious about managing your photos you should get a proper cataloguing application. There are a few out there. Neither is really, really good (but which software is that?). It’s not cheap but useful. You can typically try-before-you-buy. The two I have looked at and find useful are these two: Extensis Portfolio The […]
Digital Asset Management
If you’re really serious about managing your photos you should get a proper cataloguing application. There are a few out there. Neither is really, really good (but which software is that?). It’s not cheap but useful. You can typically try-before-you-buy. The two I have looked at and find useful are these two: Extensis Portfolio The […]
Digital Workflow
“Short and simplified overview of my digital workflow” Take a look at my photo book recommendations here. (outdated link) This is just an overview that I don’t necessarily follow slavishly and that is modified depending on the situation… The Workflow 1… Copy from card to PC. 2… Rename raw files to follow naming standard (sw: […]