How to set the correct price on your photography

Yikes! Someone wants to buy my picture! How should I price my photographs? What price to put on your photography is important. For your own sake you should see to it that you get a fair price, even if you are not a professional photographer. And for the sake of all the professional photographers out […]
A few reasons why Creative Commons for pictures is a bad idea
Here’s a question I just had from a friend when I told him that by using Creative commons he is loosing too much control of his images: “You say I shouldn’t use Creative Commons, but what do you suggest I do instead?” The first thing to think of is: “Why would you want to use […]
Book Review: Photographs That Sell and Sell…
Photographs That Sell and Sell… Roger Antrobus Collins & Brown [Have not yet read it but it has been highly recommended. It is on my “Wanted” list.] This is what Amazon says about it: “Have you ever wondered if it is possible to make money from taking photographs ‘on spec.’? Many amateur photographers are capable […]
Book Review – Sell & Re-Sell Your Photos
Sell & Re-Sell Your Photos Rohn Engh Writer’s Digest Books This book is about how to launch yourself, and survive, as an independent stock photographer business. All of that: “launch”, “independent”, “stock”, “business”… It is not much about photography as such but more about the business of doing stock photography. It takes you through how […]
Photography and money!?
Well, you have to live from something, don’t you? So, do tak a look at our stock photo portfolio (look right). But that was not at all what this post was going to be about. Instead, I wanted to mention some excellent prices that photographs had fetched at auction recently. Example 1: Ansel Adams, “Moonrise, […]
The world’s most expensive picture
Apparently. USD 1.284 million , sold at Christie’s in New York on November 8, 2005. Unfortunately it was not mine. The photo was of a man (OK, cowboy) on a horse riding in the desert. From a well known publicity campaign for a cigarette brand. Since I can’t show the photograph here I’ll give you […]