Interview with National Geographic’s Photo Editor
Listening to your customer: how National Geographic buys photography with Elizabeth Krist and Allen Murabayashi Listening to your customers is important. For stock photography it is not always obvious since you are not necessarily in direct contact with your end customer. Especially if you work with stock agencies who are usually not very keen on […]
BKWine Photography at the Four Seasons Hotel
Not quite in the hotel (I would like that though!) but on the Four Season Magazine’s web site. They have run a feature of great day trips from Lisbon and used one of our photos as illustration. The photograph is from a winery an hour’s drive away from Lisbon. Here’s the picture on their site: […]
The focus / lens shifter for DSLR video focus: brilliant Kickstarter project
If you are using a DSLR to do video, and many people are these days, then you have realised that focusing on a moving object or shifting the focus from one place to another is really, really hard. Unless you buy a pretty expensive piece of equipment that is bot heavy, bulky and sets you […]
How old is old?
The world’s oldest living organisms in pictures How old do you think the world’s oldest living thing is? … … … No, it’s older. Rachel Sussman has made a photo project on photographing the world’s oldest living organisms. She has taken pictures of parsley, strangulating fungi, old trees, brain coral. Her starting point was that […]
The new Getty Images watermark

A trivial protection tool turned brilliantly into a marketing tool! Getty Images has taken a simple overlay image, the watermark, and turned it into a something that not only protects your image but also is a brilliantly engineered marketing and sales tool. To have or not to have: watermarks? Watermarks are a nuisance according to […]
US Copyright Registration with the Library of Congress, fee goes up

There is a peculiarity with US copyright legislation that is called “registering your photos with the Library of Congress”. There is no requirement to “register” your images. The copyright is yours for your pictures if you don’t as well as if you do. It is not the “ownership” of the copyright that is at issue. […]
It is 20 years since the start of the war in Bosnia

I find it very difficult to comprehend that the war in the Balkans could and did happen. It is now twenty years since the war started in Bosnia. When the troubles started in the Balkans and when they ended depends, I guess, a bit on how you want to count. In 2006 we had the […]
Not so easy to pin it down – more on Pinterest
A few days ago I wrote about an article by Sean Locke on the new site Pinterest that seems like yet another photo copyright infringement tool. Sean has written a follow-up on his blog, More Thoughts on Pinterest. This is a very interesting read because of two things. Sean tells the story about a real […]
Pinterest – a new copyright thief on the block?
One more site that has an interesting approach to intellectual property A new site that seems to be enabling and encouraging copyright theft has appeared: Pinterest. Sean Locke, a photographer with an interesting web site on his work and other related things, has written a long article explaining what Pinterest does and the issues around […]
Registering Your Copyrights Using the eCO System
In the US there is a system of “registering your copyright”. It does not mean that you have to register to be the owner of the copyright of the images / photographs that you do. But it does mean that it will be much easier to defend your rights if someone infringes on your copyright […]
New Year’s resolution: take care of your copyright
The Photo Attorney is a great blog if you are interested in the legal issues around photography: copyright, intellectual property etc. It is written (mainly) by Carolyn E. Wright. Her latest post has a few good New Year’s resolutions: Register your copyright (especially if the US is an important market for you) Read the Photographer’s […]
Resources on what to do when someone infringes on your copyright
A collection of good sources of information on what to do when someone steals your images, i.e. infringes on your copyright. Help! I’ve Been Infringed! from
What to do when your photos are stolen
It happens to everyone. Perhaps it happens more and more often these days. Either because people think that images that they find online are free to use (totally wrong) or because they think that the chances of being caught are very small (only too right). So, you have found that someone has used your image, […]
How to buy / license a photo
How to license a digital image or to buy a print. There are two ways to purchase images from BKWine Photography, and one way to use images for free in personal blogs. Each has its own specific use: Licensing for professional use Buy prints for personal use or wall decoration Online use through flash embeds […]
How to find a needle in a haystack (The Eiffel Tower, Paris)

Warning: This has nothing to do with wine. On Alamy, one of the world’s biggest stock photo agencies, there are 16,053 images of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I work with Alamy. They are one of the places where you can license BKWine photography. I have a handful of images of the Eiffel Tower on […]
Our latest wine newsletter is out
The new issue of our wine newsletter, the BKWine Brief is out. #88 with plenty of wine news and some opinions. And some recommendations on wine producers and restaurants. Read it here, or why not subscribe? It’s free:
Some photos from Castilla y Leon wineries
Here are a few galleries with images from wineries and vineyards, and some towns, in Castilla y Leon in north east Spain: Castilla y Leon Arribes del Duero Bodega La Setera Castilla y Leon Benavente Bodegas Otero Castilla y Leon Cigales Bodegas Concejo Pilcar Castilla y Leon Cigales Bodegas Frutos Villar Castilla y Leon El […]
New Wine Stock Photos on
A whole lot of new photos are now available on Some 6000 new stock photographs are now there. I will be posting stock photo sample galleries in the sidebar on the right in the near future. Subjects for this set of pictures includes: – Alentejo in Portugal – The Douro Valley in Portugal – […]
Saturday morning surprise: Featured on Photoshelter’s Buyers’ Page

Waking up to a rainy Saturday morning an email catches my eye: Andrew Fingerman, Photoshelter‘s VP of marketing, has sent me an email. Curious. [Photoshelter, if you don’t know it, is a magnificent service for photographers. It is an online service that a photographer can use to display, promote and sell his images, as well […]
On Darkness
Just an additional note on yesterday’s post on Darkness. It’s actually a real story. I was with some other people in the cellar of Clos Fourtet. Their cellar is underground, in an old quarry 9as you could see yesterday). While I was busy trying to do some photography with the limited light there was all […]
The joys and dangers of photos on Flickr – stolen photos
Flickr is certainly an important player in the world of both amateur and professional photography today. For a photographer it can be a great tool to show his photos, although I have not really started using it for that yet. Have so far only done some experiments. On the other hand it can also be […]
Size matters. How to increase the size (Or: a short overview of a digital photography workflow)

Now that’s a heading that verges on the silly, isn’t it? I had a question today on “how do you uprez your files”. Here’s a little info. A little more than asked for perhaps. Size is important when it comes to photography. The images have to be of sufficient size to be published. A frequent […]
Published in Sweden’s biggest wine magazine

This photo (together with a few others of mine) is published in the latest issue of Sweden’s biggest wine magazine, Bolaget, with over half a million copies in print. It’s available for free in all the Systembolaget monopoly wine shops. Estelle Roumage, winemaker, of the owning family. Chateau Lestrille, Bordeaux, France – And she makes […]
It is very nice when somebody notices what you do! (Or: the value of doing PR)
I was very surprised to see my own photo in a blog post on the Photoshelter blog! I saw it in my RSS reader and thought “isn’t that my picture? How can that be?” To my even bigger surprise it turned out that they had chosen to feature my photos and videos in their “Friday […]
Jamie Goode on wine photography
“I really enjoy photography. It’s been a hobby ever since as a teenager my dad bought me a Ricoh rangefinder compact, and let me work with him in his improvised dark room.” That’s what Jamie Goode, the well known British wine writer, also known as the Wine Anorak says in a recent blog post. Go […]
New BKWine TV Video: Ntsiki Biyela
Our latest wine video is an interview with South Africa’s first black woman winemaker. See it on our Youtube channel: in our video section on BKWine Magazine
Cataloguing, listing, describing – a DAM thing to do
This post is mostly for the photographers who happen to read this blog. Having a large number of photos makes it imperative to have some way of managing them. I have close to 100,000 raw images and currently about 30,000 “developed” (processed) photos. It’s more than what I can keep in my head. For quite […]
Dagens Industri on BKWine today
Since we may have some Swedish readers of this blog I must mention a very nice thing: Today Tuesday (I’m writing this at 17 minutes past midnight) there is a big article on BKWine – half a page – in the Swedish business newspaper Dagens Industri (let’s call it Sweden’s FT, they even have the […]
A new blog design
If you’ve been here before you will notice that the blog has a new look! How do you like it? The first thing you see is perhaps that it is not black any more. I did not go “all the way” as David Sanger and make it white with black text. There are good arguments […]
About BKWine Photography
PHOTOGRAPHS ON WINE, VINEYARDS, GASTRONOMY, FOOD AND TRAVEL All photos on BKWine Photography are by me, Per Karlsson, bar a few exceptions taken by my wife (& business partner) Britt. WINE I travel in wine regions almost a third of my time and visit some 200 vineyards each year. It takes me to wineries all […]