Features and Functions that my Digital Asset Management System (DAM) should have

Here’s a detailed overview of functions and features that I would like to find in a Digital Asset Management System (DAM). This is a follow-up post to the previous one I did on DAMs that has attracted quite a lot of attention and comments. As I explained there, following the death, demise and discontinuation of […]
Trying out Android video editing apps

Early this year I started to use my smartphone to shoot video. I also thought it would be convenient to use a tablet to do the editing, especially when travelling. (Back home I use Sony Vegas to edit my videos.) But it turned out to be quite a challenge to find a decent Android video […]
Radically improve your smartphone video photography with a tripod mount

The video quality from smartphones can be greatly enhanced by using a tripod mount / stand, that allows you to put your smartphone in a holder on a tripod. Two excellent options as smartphone mounts are the Joby GripTight Micro Stand and The Glif. Here is a review of the two. Both are excellent and […]
File names
For a change, a post on a different subject: intellectual property and copyright – and file names and naming conventions. I want to share with you a tip that I picked up from Peter Krogh’s excellent book The DAM Book (you can read my review of the book here – I highly recommend reading it). […]
Software Review: Backup and Storage
With all pictures saved on digital media backup and storage becomes of vital importance for the photographer. Give it a though: How many pictures do you have on, say, a 250GB external drive? Perhaps 13,000 (250GB divided by an average file size of 18MB) How much work do you have invested in that hard drive? […]
Software Review: Noise Reduction
Indispensable when you shoot in low-light conditions. You can do it in Photoshop with filter and some manipulations. I have found it easier (can’t say better, since I have not done any tests) to use a dedicated sw to do it. (BTW, if you are going to use noise reduction, you should do it at […]
Stock Photo News
A bit off topic, or perhaps not. At least not the usual daily picture: If you are interested in stock photography industry news, here’s an interesting newsletter: Photo Archive News, http://www.photoarchivenews.com/
Software review: Upsizing your picutres
You may find that your “developed” file is not big enough and therefore that you need to upsize it (scale it). There are different tools for that: Genuine Fractals onOne Software www.ononesoftware.com Recommended by many. Also referred to as Genuine Fractals PrintPro. From a workflow point of view the current version of GF is much […]
Digital Asset Management software
If you’re really serious about managing your photos you should get a proper cataloguing application. There are a few out there. Neither is really, really good (but which software is that?). It’s not cheap but useful. You can typically try-before-you-buy. The two I have looked at and find useful are these two: Extensis Portfolio The […]
Digital Workflow
“Short and simplified overview of my digital workflow” Take a look at my photo book recommendations here. (outdated link) This is just an overview that I don’t necessarily follow slavishly and that is modified depending on the situation… The Workflow 1… Copy from card to PC. 2… Rename raw files to follow naming standard (sw: […]