Photoshop CS2 Workflow: The Digital Photographer’s Guide
Tim Grey
Sybex Inc.
[Have not yet read it but it has been highly recommended] I have not found anything really good and concise written (in books or on the web) on digital workflow. Many have written useful bits and pieces (like Martin Evening with a book on this list). If this book delivers what it promises – a good overview and guide to digital photography workflow – it will be a winner. How much time do you not spend processing, naming, sorting, cataloguing, keywording, searching for etc etc your pictures when working digitally? I look forward to seeing this book live sometime!
This is what Amazon says about it: “This highly anticipated full-colour book from best-selling author Tim Grey is the first workflow-oriented guide to Photoshop. If you’re a digital photographer interested in maximizing the quality of your images using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, here is your definitive guide to image optimization. Emphasizing the processes for making images as good as they can be, topics covered in this book include: sorting images, RAW conversion, basic adjustments and cleanup, advanced adjustments, automation, and output processing.”