Vine nursery with newly grafted plants. Touraine, Loire, France
Vine nursery, stock photography samples, by Per Karlsson, BKWine.
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Virtually all vines come from a vine nursery today. Vine nurseries (pepineriestes in French) produce young vines and deliver them to the wine growers.
The nursery men (if you can call them that) start by growing plants for the rootstocks and the scion (the future upper plant). Bar a few exceptions, all vines are grafted: a rootstock of a variety that is not Vitis Vinifera (often called “American”, e.g. Vitis Rupestris), carries the scion, the upper, fruit-bearing part that is a Vitis Vinifera of the grape variety that is desired.
At the nursery the two parts are joined together and then planted on a field to grow the initial roots. They are then uprooted and trimmed before they are delivered to the vine grower who plants them in the vineyard to make wine.
There are several other important things that the nursery does, e.g. make sure that the plant material is virus-free and also select the appropriate clones of the varieties to deliver to the buyers.
All images © copyright Per Karlsson, BKWine. Images may not be used without our permission.
Vineyard: Vine Nursery stock photo samples – Images by Per Karlsson